Sunday, October 8, 2017

Are aliens draining solar energy from the sun? Experts warn NASA images show huge UFOs circling

Experts are concerned the spacecraft which can be seen in the NASA footage are recharging from the power provided by the sun

A new conspiracy theory from UFO experts is doing the rounds after NASA images seem to confirm their idea.

They believe that alien spacecrafts are gathering close to the surface of the sun, and are sucking solar power away.

The NASA images seem to show a white spot which is joined towards the sun's surface with a 'connected line'.

One YouTuber StreetCap1 asked the question last week: "Is this a massive UFO feeding off sun energy" as he uploaded the video footage.

He said: "The fact that the UFO is a different color and shape to the rest of the 'Connected Line' is what convinced me to upload this.

NASA captures images of monster UFOs circling around the sun(Image: YouTube/Streetcap1)

"I was not a great believer in this Plasma SUN Energy Theory, but this has got me thinking."

While UFO blogger Scott C Waring, who runs the website UFO Sightings Daily added his thoughts on the images too.

He said: "This is definitely a UFO shot out of the sun yesterday.

NASA captures images of monster UFOs circling around the sun(Image: YouTube/Streetcap1)

"It may have been using the sun's energy to fuel itself or to recharge in some way, but it's leaving at high speeds."

He also pointed out that the UFO is a somewhat glowing white, but the sun's plasma is yellow.

He added: "This will imply that the craft is made from a different material that is resistant from the sun's surface."

NASA captures images of monster UFOs circling around the sun(Image: YouTube/Streetcap1)


  1. What if they are draining energy from the sun to stop the killshot event?

  2. Well it unfathomable that they could drain enough energy to do any damage I beg to differ on the notion the Sun is not ours. The Sun is an object. Not a living thing. Therefore it can be considered property. It can also be said that we not only occupy Earth but the Solar System as a whole. Since we are the only species here that originated on Earth that can understand the concept of property, we clearly have a claim to and ownership of the Sun. So we need to send them a bill. Assuming this really happened. Which I doubt.

  3. They present us a new cooler planet Called Faster Ice Age..If they are from our future they allready know when rampages will happen and prevent us from happening and exstinct ourselves..Aliens ARE OUR GODS I THINK !!

    1. He said the sun is ours lol.. Yea right buddy.. You or Noone has ownership of this universe, we are apart of it just as the sun stars and moon are.. To say that we are the only ones that can understand property is very inaccurate considering we weren't and aren't the only ones that exist here and have no evidence of human existence first

  4. No if aliens were draining from sun then the earth would be cold as ice...but day by day earth is getting much more heat burning rays which drains the enengybof humans..


    1. they are slowing the spin of the sun's core...this will give more direct radiant heat to the surface of the earth intentionally causing climate change to coincide with biblical last days...

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