Monday, October 9, 2017

Alien implant removals, tests conclude metals are not from earth(Video)

Several years after the surgical removal of their alleged alien implants, five individuals courageously accepted to take part in an interview to discuss their “before and after effects”. All persons, one male and four females, shared one thing in common: UFO encounters and contact with non-human alien beings.
Dr. Roger Leir, a podiatrist from Thousand Oaks, California, founder of FIRST (Fund for Interactive Research and Space Technology) and Derrel Sims, C.Ht., R.H.A., a certified hypnotherapist , co-founder of FIRST and experienced UFO Investigator of over 27 year, orchestrated the successful surgeries with a team of competent medical professionals and volunteers. The first set of “implant” surgeries took place on August 19, 1995 at Dr. Roger Leir’s podiatry clinic in Thousand Oaks, California.
Pat Parrinellio, a 47 year old male from Houston, Texas, and Mary Jones (a pseudonym) 52, also from Texas, had the anomalous objects appear in X- rays, although both UFO experiencers had no record of previous surgeries. Both individuals were investigated by Derrel Sims of HUFON (Chief Investigator for Houston UFO Network) and referred to Dr. Roger Leir for surgery, based on their past UFO encounters and X-rays which confirmed the anomalous objects. Pat’s object was removed from the back of his left hand, and Mary’s objects excised from her left big toe. All services were performed free of charge.
The alleged implants removed from the first set of surgeries were studied by two different pathologists, and then sent to various independent laboratories for extensive scientific analysis. The tests performed on these alleged alien implants were: a pathology/tissue evaluation, laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), extensive metallurgical testing involving a density immersion test, X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction pattern analysis and electron/magnetic and fluorescence property analysis. Isotopic range tests are also in progress. Tests were conducted by the National Institute of Discovery of Science (NIDS), New Mexico Tech, and other independent sources.
But that is not all. While these unusual objects were being evaluated for scientific study, another set of implant surgeries took place on May 18, 1996. Two women from this second set of surgeries came forward for this interview and follow up study. Dorothy O’Hara, a 61 year old female from Palm Springs, California, and Alice Leavy , 40, from Newberry Park, California, each had similar objects removed from their left lower leg. Another woman, Licia Davidson, 37, who has had numerous UFO and alien encounters, had a rare, crystalline-like object removed from her foot in January of 1997.
“The findings of these implant surgeries are highly unusual,” reported Dr. Leir. “In all these cases, there was virtually no inflammatory response.” This is not the usual finding in foreign tissue reactions. Normally, foreign bodies embedded in tissues result in some type of acute or chronic inflammatory response, and may include fibrosis and cyst formation. Such was not the case here. The pathology reports of the first two surgeries revealed that the metallic objects were encased in a very dense, tough, grey membrane consisting of proteinaceous coagulum, hemoseridin and pure keratin. More simply, blood protein and skin cells that are usually found in the superficial layer of the skin. The tough, biological “cocoons” encasing the implants were also found to contain nerve proprioceptors – nerve and pressure cells of the wrong tissue type for that part of the body. These implant cocoons also fluoresced a bright green color in the presence of an ultraviolet light source.
The implants from the two women from the second set of surgeries did not exhibit metallic properties like the implants from the first set of surgeries. In fact, the spheroid, whitish objects did not contain the tough, biological outer jackets, or fluoresce from a UV light source. These types of implants (possibly biological) also lacked the expected inflammatory response, according to the pathology reports. The crystalline-like object excised from the foot in the most recent surgery, also lacked the tough, grey, outer membrane and had virtually no inflammatory response, as in the other implant surgeries. Test results from the first set of implants revealed that the lammelar, needle shaped metallic objects in question are basically meteoric in origin, containing at least eleven different elements.
In an interview with Alien Encounters Magazine, (July 1997 issue, United Kingdom) Derrel Sims commented on the uncommon, non-rejecting human response to the implants: “It seems that the dense fibrous membrane may have been the person’s own surface skin. If this is the case, it appears that the metallic objects are wrapped in a sheath of keratinaceous material (surface skin). Nerve fibers then surround the tissue and appear to be attached to larger nerves. The fact that both persons (from the first set of surgeries) objected verbally and physically could be an indication of this (nervous system) connection.” Mr. Sims believes the indications are very strong that these implants are extraterrestrial in origin. “But”, Mr. Sims concedes, “Whatever the scientists say who have examined the objects say, is what we will say.” Derrel Sims has stated that a scientific peer review of all tests must be done before more specifics can be released. This is the standard course of action taken in any scientific endeavor.

Scientific evaluation is our best ally, but the experiences and opinions of the courageous individuals involved in these implant surgeries are equally important. A series of simple questions were posed to each of the participants. When asked as to how and when their implants might have been inserted, Pat Parrinellio from Houston, Texas believed his implant could have been inserted during a UFO encounter he had in 1954, at six years of age . Mary Jones recalls two UFO encounters when her metallic objects could have been implanted, in 1969. “In the first frightening UFO encounter”, Mary commented, “I was on a camping trip with my family while pregnant with my third child.” Oddly enough, one month after Mary’s child was born, she had another alien encounter while at home during the night. Conversely, Dorothy O’Hara from Palm Springs, California and Licia Davidson also from California both replied, “I have no idea when the object was inserted.” Alice Leavy commented that she first noticed the lump on her leg following a UFO encounter involving other witnesses in San Diego, in 1993. “I actually noticed the lump” Alice clarified, “when I discovered the scoop mark also on my left leg, after the UFO encounter.”

If the alien “abductors” are responsible for implanting objects in the bodies of their abductees, then are the aliens cognizant of the fact that the implants have been removed? So the next question was posed, “Did you experience any UFO sightings, alien abductions, odd dreams, missing time or paranormal events just prior to, or after the implant surgery? (within a month)” Pat Parinellio revealed, “Yes, an unusual set of events took place with another witness involving an orange glowing UFO one evening about a week before the surgery. After the surgery, I noticed that my psychic abilities seemed to decrease.”

Dorothy replied, “About a week before the surgery I had a dream-like, abduction experience involving many other people in a large locker room type facility, waiting in line for what seemed to be a shot in the backs of our necks. Also, right before an appointment to meet one of Derrel Sims’ associates for an interview (regarding the implant surgery), I and another women had a strange experience. It was like getting stuck in a time warp. I ended up being very late for the appointment. And then, late one evening after I returned from the surgery, I had an alien encounter, that I couldn’t clearly recall.”

Both Licia and Alice did not recall any unusual events soon before or after the implant surgery. Mary experienced a rare, pain and swelling in her toe and foot about a week before the surgery. “At that time”, Mary revealed, “I knew exactly where the objects were in my foot, I could feel them.” Prior to that, Mary had no pain or sensations of that kind in her toe. “What was really strange,” Mary admitted, “was that the moment I stepped out of the car to meet Derrel Sims just prior to the surgery, my pain stopped.”

The real question one may wonder about is: Now that the implants have been removed, will the aliens continue to come back and abduct the abductees? All individuals except Mary Jones were able to answer with a resounding, “Yes”. Alice elaborated on an abduction she had two months after the implant surgery, “I retired to bed early due to a headache. My husband awoke at 1:00 am because the whole bedroom lit up like daylight. He looked at the clock, reached over to touch me and found that I was gone. Paradoxically, my husband quickly went back to sleep. The next day I felt very ill. I don’t recall anything during the night, but I noticed the next day that my dog had nervously clawed several areas in the house, as if he were trying to escape something frightening.”

As to changes in health, mood, dreams or psychic phenomena after the surgery, all five agreed as to some type of change. Mary Jones simply stated that she felt a sense of peace after her objects were removed. Dorothy commented, “I felt a tremendous sense of relief after the surgery.” Licia remarked, “Yes, I had a dramatic and immediate mood lift after the object was removed from my foot. I also stopped having the pain and the weird, watery sensation surrounding my foot.”

The most striking changes were noted by Dorothy. ” I had a severe diuretic effect and lost much water weight a week following the surgery. Then my health progressively worsened and I developed angina and edema. This heart problem was a recurring complication from a previous illness I had in my late twenties. I also experienced extreme fatigue, and could not concentrate. The illness lasted about a month, after which my energy and health returned with more vigor. My creativity and mental clarity improved remarkably. ( I am a writer) I had a startling improvement in my memory where I was able to recall a previous alien abduction experience from 1991. In other words, it was the first time I was able to pierce through a screen memory from an abduction, although it took me three days to process the memory. It was difficult mentally and emotionally. In hindsight, after the implant surgery and recovery from illness, I felt detoxified.” Pat, on the other hand, noticed a more subjective change and simply stated, “Yes, a part of me which remains hidden has undergone quite a few changes of paradigms.”

Alice and Dorothy shared a common symptom several months after their surgeries. Alice remarked, “About eight months afterwards, I had shooting pains in my left leg and noticed the implant scar turned bright red and hurt, and lasted for about a week. Also, around that same time period I had a strong, precognitive vision that later came true in exact detail.” Dorothy added, “Yes, I also noticed a strange reaction in my leg and implant scar about six months after the surgery. I felt shooting pains in my left leg, especially at the implant site. The incision scar turned bright red for about a month.”

Could these changes in each of the individuals interviewed alter their views of the UFO phenomena after the fact? Pat admitted he was basically in denial about the UFO abduction phenomena previous to the surgery. “And yet,” Pat stated, “it seems like the more one becomes aware of the fact, the more I realize that I don’t know anything. But I do sense that something is accelerating.” Dorothy concurred with Pat in that she formerly believed the UFO phenomena was all nonsense. Afterwards Dorothy realized, “I have been able to work through many issues in my life, now that I am no longer in denial. Now I have a more practical and spiritual approach to life, and am more concerned with helping others in a practical sense, not promoting some New Age or metaphysical philosophy.” Mary also admitted she had no interest or knowledge of the UFO abduction phenomena previously.

“Even now,” Mary added, ” I have no real interest in the UFO topic, yet cannot deny there is something to it.” Both Licia and Alice had a good knowledge and belief in the UFO abduction field. Licia stated that her views have not really changed. “The best way I can describe it,” Licia explained, “is that I have had a real powerful, extreme source of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.” Alice admitted, “Previously, I felt the aliens were possibly evil. Now, after the surgery and as life and my abductions continue, I think the aliens just have a job to do. It’s not a good job. I think they are just following orders.”

So, is the UFO community at large telling the whole truth about what really happens to abductees? Pat says, “Truth is subjective. I know there are a few researchers who are holding to the narrow line of finding out what is going on.” Alice agreed that for the most part, the abduction researchers are reporting things as they are experienced, but for one small exception. Some top researchers are not mentioning the apparent military involvement. Licia concurred with Alice, “Top researchers are touching on the major issues, but in my opinion, do not want to get involved in the government end of it.” Dorothy forthrightly stated, “Many people in the UFO community have their head in the clouds and believe in an overly benevolent, fanciful spiritual philosophy. There is not enough critical analysis. I have learned more from one on one conversations with other abductees than from the public lecture circuit.” As to the US government covering up UFO facts from the general public, all individuals agreed. Alice concluded, “Yes, especially the Roswell, New Mexico UFO incident of 1947.

Most of the implantees described noteworthy mental, psychic or health related changes following their implant surgeries. Four of them reported a continuation of some type of alien abduction activity. The two women who had the “biological” type implants removed, experienced strikingly similar post surgical changes, involving shooting pains and reddening of the incision scar for a short period of time.

The important thing to consider here, is the whole clinical picture. Over reliance on the physical test results of the implants alone are not substantial enough to solve the implant mystery – let alone the question of the alien presence. If not, then what is? The lives and experiences of the abductees themselves, tell us that we need to stop and listen. The answer lies somewhere in between science and the hearts of the people.

Buzz Aldrin sets the record straight on Apollo 11 UFOs, but says alien life is a ‘certainty’(Video)

Buzz Aldrin, an accomplished pilot and academic best known as the second human being ever to set foot on another celestial body, is popular in a number of circles.  His participation in the history making Apollo 11 mission earned him a place in America’s heart, and his appearances in movies like “Transformers” and on TV shows like “30 Rock” have helped keep his name fresh in the minds of those of us who can’t help but look up at the moon on clear evenings and revel in the idea that Americans like us once walked around on that thing.  In 2005, however, Aldrin became the most popular guy in a slightly different demographic, when he admitted on a Science Channel documentary called “First on the Moon: The Untold Story” that he and Neil Armstrong had seen a UFO during their historic trip.
While Aldrin wasn’t the only astronaut to claim to have seen something unusual through the windows of an American space ship, he was certainly the highest profile.  To many, having a name like Buzz Aldrin, not only the second man to walk on the moon, but an MIT educated PhD recipient in Astronautics, gave the concept of aliens visiting earth a level of credibility it had never had before.  Although the scientific consensus today is that alien life is extremely likely in the great expanses of the universe, it wasn’t that long ago that even mentioning such a thing was enough to get you laughed out of a serious scientific conversation.
Of course, acknowledging that alien life likely exists somewhere isn’t the same as claiming it’s already visiting earth – as Aldrin seemed to claim in the 2005 segment.
In the years since, Aldrin has repeatedly gone on record to claim that his statements about what he saw during his Apollo 11 flight were taken out of context, and that, while what he saw was technically unidentifiable, it was certainly not alien in origin.  Finally, while participating in an “AMA” (short for Ask Me Anything) on the popular website Reddit, Aldrin took the opportunity to clear the air regarding his stance on extraterrestrial life, and what he and fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong actually saw through the port holes of their capsule… much to the disappointment of UFO enthusiasts everywhere.
In his own words, Aldrin explained to the thousands of Reddit users that logged on to ask him questions that the “UFO” he saw was most likely one of the panels that came off of the ship as they extracted the lander that would ultimately take them to the surface of the moon.  Here’s Buzz’s full account:
On Apollo 11 in route to the Moon, I observed a light out the window that appeared to be moving alongside us. There were many explanations of what that could be, other than another spacecraft from another country or another world – it was either the rocket we had separated from, or the 4 panels that moved away when we extracted the lander from the rocket and we were nose to nose with the two spacecraft. So in the close vicinity, moving away, were 4 panels. And i feel absolutely convinced that we were looking at the sun reflected off of one of these panels. Which one? I don’t know. So technically, the definition could be ‘unidentified.’”

As far as Aldrin is concerned, there was no mystery at all, but – he clarified – just because aliens didn’t visit Earth in 1969, doesn’t mean there aren’t any aliens out there, in the distant reaches of space.
We well understood exactly what that was. And when we returned, we debriefed and explained exactly what we had observed. And I felt that this had been distributed to the outside world, the outside audience, and apparently it wasn’t, and so many years later, I had the time in an interview to disclose these observations, on another country’s television network. And the UFO people in the United States were very very angry with me, that i had not given them the information. It was not an alien. Extraordinary observations require extraordinary evidence. That’s what Carl Sagan said. There may be aliens in our Milky Way galaxy, and there are billions of other galaxies. The probability is almost CERTAIN that there is life somewhere in space. It was not that remarkable, that special, that unusual, that life here on earth evolved gradually, slowly, to where we are today.
But the distances involved in where some evidence of life may be, they may be hundreds of light years away.”
Of course, die hard conspiracy theorists have already begun littering the internet with stories about how the Reptillian Illuminati must have gotten to the famed astronaut and forced him to change his story – but their claims can pretty safely be thought of as the internet equivalent of homeless people shouting into a drain pipe.  Aldrin himself attests that the crew of Apollo 11 did not see a flying saucer following them through space, and as far as this writer is concerned, unless one of those conspiracy theorists turns out to be Neil Armstrong (may he rest in peace) or Michael Collins, this is one space mystery we can comfortably say has been solved.


A NASA image shows the International Space Station as it flew over Madagascar, with three of the five spacecraft docked to the station, in this photo taken on April 6, 2016.

Russia has begun testing samples from the outside of the International Space Station, believing that they may contain traces of extraterrestrial life. In a news release Friday, Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, said it believed that comet dust on the surface of the ISS could include alien microorganisms.

“The micrometeorites and comet dust that settle on the ISS surface may contain biogenic substance of extra-terrestrial origin in its natural form,” Roscosmos officials said, as reported by Russian state news agency Tass. “The ISS surface is possibly a unique and easily available collector and keeper of comet substance and, possibly, of biomaterial of extra-terrestrial origin.”

The statement added that 19 dust samples have been collected from the surface of the ISS during space walks dating back to 2010 under an experiment known as “Test.”

It could be some time before analysts determine the identity of the material, however. Scientists will have to decipher whether the microorganisms came to be on the outside of the space station while structural elements of it were being constructed on Earth or while in space, reported.

This is not the first time Russian officials have made claims about extraterrestrial life on the ISS. In 2014, the chief of the Russian ISS orbital mission, Vladimir Solovyev, said that sea plankton had been found.

“Results of the experiment are absolutely unique. We have found traces of sea plankton and microscopic particles on the illuminator surface. This should be studied further,” he told Tass.

The Russians’ American colleagues, though, seemed unaware and skeptical of the discovery.

“As far as we’re concerned, we haven’t heard any official reports from our Roscosmos colleagues that they’ve found sea plankton,” NASA spokesman Dan Huot told at the time. “What they’re actually looking for is residues that can build up on the visually sensitive elements, like windows, as well as just the hull of the ship itself, that will build up whenever they do thruster firings for things like re-boosts. That’s what they were taking samples for. I don’t know where all the sea plankton talk is coming from.”

Confirming it to be a true international, as well as extraterrestrial, incident, Germany’s space agency weighed in on the matter a month later. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) said that while “bacterial DNA” was discovered, the specifics of the claims from its Russian counterpart were considerably more dubious.

“The method by which the samples were analyzed in this case is disputed, as it cannot detect all kinds of bacteria and it also cannot test whether the discovered bacteria are living and thriving or not,” DLR spokeswoman Alisa Wilken said.

The ISS was first launched into orbit in 1998 and is a joint project of the space agencies of Russia, the United States, Canada, Europe and Japan.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Leaked footage from top-secret Area 51 military base shows mysterious ALIEN craft, claim UFO hunters

Area 51 is one of the most secretive locations in the world. Now, UFO hunters at SecureTeam 10 have released leaked footage which they claim shows an alien craft is hiding in the Nevada-based military facility.

The strange video appears to show a flying object hovering in the sky and then flying away - emitting a strange light as it sporadically moves side to side.  

UFO hunters SecureTeam 10 have now released leaked footage which they claim shows an alien craft is hiding in the Nevada military facility.

'It's one of the mysterious pieces in UFOlogy', said Tyler Glockner who runs SecureTeam 10 on the YouTube clip. 

He described the footage, which was believed to have been filmed in the 1980s or 1990s, as a 'hidden gem'.

The unexplained object appears to be getting higher and higher and releases a strange light as the footage goes on.  

The Nevada-based military testing facility has been a focal point of many conspiracy theorists and UFOlogists since the late 1970s, who claim that the base houses secretive alien technology. 

The sprawling military complex sits between a dry lake bed to the North East, and a small mountain to the West. 

Area 51 has been a hot spot for extra terrestrial enthusiasts because the government did not acknowledge its existence until 2013.

It has long been fenced off from the prying eyes of the public, with armed guards swarming the surrounding area.

'Area 51 has always been a magnet for those who believe the US Government knows a lot more about UFOs than they are prepared to reveal to the public,' Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline.

'People like the late Boyd Bushman, a senior scientist who worked for Lockheed Martin, have declared that Area 51 is a base where extraterrestrial spacecraft and technology is stored and examined.' 

The strange video appears to show a flying object hovering in the sky and then flying away - emitting a strange light as it sporadically moves side to side
'It's one of the mysterious pieces in UFOlogy', said Tyler Glockner who runs SecureTeam 10 on the clip. He described the footage, which was believed to have been filmed in the 1980s or 1990s as a 'hidden gem'
The Nevada-based military testing facility has been a focal point of many conspiracy theorists and UFOlogists since the late 1970s, who claim that the base houses secretive alien technology. Pictured is the most recent sighting by SecureTeam 10 

Claims of alien conspiracies around Area 51 have largely been debunked.

But the site has been confirmed as a historic test site for military aircraft. 

Famous machines developed there include the U-2 spy plane, SR-71 Blackbird, and the F-117A Nighthawk stealth fighter.

The unexplained object appears to be getting higher and higher and releases a strange light as the footage goes on
In this image, the base is shown in a small yellow square within the massive Air Force base at Nevada's Groom Lake. Area 51 is blanketed by a strict 23 by 25-mile (37 by 40km) no-fly zone for civilian aircraft
The extraterrestrial Highway is between Highway 6 and Highway 93 in Nevada, and is the closest main road to Area 51. The sprawling military complex sits between a dry lake bed to the North East, and a small mountain to the West
Area 51 is blanketed by a strict 23 by 25-mile (37 by 40km) no-fly zone for civilian aircraft, and nearby viewpoints Freedom Ridge and White Sides Peak, which provide vantage points looking down on the base, are off-limits to the public

Images of the base are extremely rare, with any photographers brave enough to travel there kept far back from the perimeter by the base's many armed guards.

Area 51 is blanketed by a strict 23 by 25-mile (37 by 40km) no-fly zone for civilian aircraft.

Nearby viewpoints Freedom Ridge and White Sides Peak, which offer vantage points looking down on the base, are off-limits to the public.

After a series of declassifications, official details of Area 51 only came to light in 2011. This image shows a suspended, upside-down titanium A-12 spy-plane prototype as it is 'prepped' for radar testing
The U-2 spy plane is photographed as it is tested at Area 51 in 1955. Early missions involving the plane were used throughout the Cold War for surveillance over Cuba, the Soviet Union and China
The U.S. Air Force's SR-71 (double cockpit training version pictured) was in many ways a product of Area 51 testing and an evolution of the A-12, which was decommissioned in 1968
The unique design of the A-12 made at Area 51. A mock-up of the aircraft is seen here upside down as it is tested. Ironically, this is is also how test pilot Collins had to eject in 1963

Dark Side of the Moon is hiding THIS incredible secret - and UFO hunter has shock 'PROOF'

IT has been a source of mystery for generations – but what IS on the dark side of the moon?

Planet Earth only gets to see one side of the giant space rock, and what lies on the other half is unknown.

Now a UFO enthusiast has claimed aliens are living in a supermassive network of tunnels and caves on our moon.

'Skylights' to lava tubes reveal enormous caves, hundreds of meters wide

Collapsed lava tubes show the extent of the tunnels where aliens could be hiding

The series of long pits are collapsed lava tubes, often called 'pit chains'

He suspects they are thriving in underground cities covering the mysterious "dark side" – which can never be seen from Earth.

And now he has “evidence” in astonishing images from a lost lunar spaceship which has been found orbiting the moon after going missing eight years ago.

The images, from Chandrayaan-1, appear to show a network of lava tubes snaking under the surface of the satellite, with thousands of caves scattered all over.

It was created by streams of magma which ran dry, but now Jesse – who runs YouTube channel UFO News – believes they are homing an entire civilisation.


OUT OF VIEW: The 'Dark Side' was pictured for the first time – by the Russians – in 1959

“The presence of enormous caves on the moon suggests that an alien civilisation could be living much closer to home that we previously thought,” the alien enthusiast told 

“The presence of enormous caves on the moon suggests that an alien civilisation could be living much closer to home that we previously thought,” the alien enthusiast told Daily Star Online.

“We find it fascinating that an extensive network of caves and tunnels, some of which are large enough to house entire cities, are covering the surface of the moon.

“Why is it that these caves have slipped under the radar of public interest for so long? Is it possible that NASA could be privately discouraging the exploration of these structures in order to suppress public interest?

“NASA has admitted that these caves could be used as potential locations for a human colony on the moon. It makes us wonder if they might have already investigated them without public knowledge?"


ALIEN CITIES: It is claimed extra terrestrial life is lurking in underground tunnels

It is a known fact that craters are covering the moon, and have been created by meteorites that have peppered its surface.

But conspiracy theorists like Jesse believe the aliens are hiding out on the shadows there, and in the tunnels which connect to them.

“Prior to the invention of satellites, the dark side of the moon would have been a convenient location for an alien civilisation to live and remain hidden from view,” he told us.

“As our technology evolves, such a civilisation would likely be forced to use new tactics to remain hidden.

“These caves and tunnels would make the perfect location for an alien civilisation to take refuge from the prying eyes of humanity."


HIDING: Jesse suspects the aliens are hiding from us in the shadows of these craters.

The "far side of the moon" which Jesse believes is inhabited by extra terrestrial life has long been dubbed the "dark side".

This is because it can never be seen from our planet, as it spins at the same rate as it orbits the Earth, meaning it is kept hidden from our view.

It was only pictured for the first time – by the Russians – in 1959.

Jesse told us: “Many of these massive caves reside on the dark side of the moon, out of view of ground based telescopes.

“Buried deep within the ground, the caves offer protection from the sun and the harsh realities of space.

“In our most recent video on UFO News we included pictures of what appear to be the surface marks of these tunnels crisscrossing the surface.


PROOF? Jesse says the evidence lie in pictures like these of the tunnels and craters

“These well established pictures serve as new evidence that a super highway of interconnected lava tubes are being used as a highway system to allow an alien civilisation to move about the moon undetected.

“Until NASA is willing to do some direct investigation of these objects using high definition cameras, we are going to take their silence as a nod in the direction that aliens are indeed on the moon.”

The cube-sized satellite where the new images of the moon have come from first went missing in 2009, after being successfully launched in October 2008.

It is roughly the size of a smart car, measuring 1.5 metres tall on each side, and had completed 3,400 orbits around the moon when, less than a year later, radio contact was lost.

But this year it was announced the probe has been found orbiting 200 kilometres above the lunar surface by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.

LOST SPACESHIP: This is the eerie picture of the dark side of the moon from the missing probe

Jesse's suspicions come 10 years after the "Apollo 20 hoax" - which saw claims that NASA carried out a secret lunar mission.

Videos surfaced on YouTube from a user claiming to be a retired American astronaut who commandered the mission.

The clips appeared to show proof of the existence of intelligence, alien life on the moon, and included a picture of a female alien - nicknamed Mona Lisa - hibernating.

But all the videos were posted on the video sharing site on April 1 - April Fools' Day - hinting the story was nothing more than an elaborate prank.

Did aliens send this metal orb to seed life on Earth? Riddle of microscopic sphere found 16 miles up, oozing slime which may contain microorganisms, claims astrobiologist

Aliens may have sent microorganisms to Earth inside metal balls to create seed life on our planet, an astrobiologist has claimed.

Dr Milton Wainwright claims to have found a tiny metal sphere that was oozing a 'gooey' substance in samples gathered by a balloon in the Earth's stratosphere.

The University of Sheffield and the University of Buckingham scientist says that the ball, which is about the width of a human hair, could be an example of directed panspermia - where life was deliberately sent to Earth by some unknown extraterrestrial civilisation. 

This sphere is another of the materials collected by Dr Wainwright and his colleagues (above), which they claim could be the remains of a colony of microorganisms

He argues that the strange material coming from the titanium ball is biological and could in fact be a colony of tiny microorganisms.


Panspermia is a theory that suggests life spreads across the known physical universe, hitchhiking on comets or meteorites.

For example, life such as extremophiles, capable of surviving the inhospitable conditions of space, could become trapped in debris that is ejected into space after collisions between asteroids and planets that harbour life.

These life-forms may travel dormant for an extended amount of time before colliding randomly with other planets. 

The idea of directed panspermia, however, suggests that lifeforms are deliberately sent out through the universe by intelligent civilizations

Professor Francis Crick, one of the biologists who discovered the structure of DNA, examined the possibility of this in a paper in 1973.

However, Professor Crick and his ccolleagues concluded that the scientific evidence was 'inadequate at the present time to say anything about the probability'. 

However, he has conceded it is virtually impossible to prove that the tiny sphere was sent by aliens from outer space.

Dr Wainwright said the sphere made a tiny 'impact crater' on the sampler that was attached to the balloon as it collected dust and particles in the atmosphere.

He said: 'The sphere made an impact crater on the sampling stub. This proves beyond doubt that the particle was travelling at speed from space when it was sampled.'

Dr Wainwright and his team discovered the sphere when examining samples of dust and particulate matter collected by a balloon sent around 16 miles into the atmosphere.

Using X-ray analysis to examine the sphere, he concluded that it was made from titanium and traces of vanadium, while the material appearing to come out of the side was biological.

They found that it also had a 'fungus-like knitted mat-like covering'.

He claims that it could have been carried to Earth on a comet or even sent by an unknown civilisation.

Dr Wainwright and his colleagues have published their findings in the Journal of Cosmology but their conclusions have yet to be corroborated by other scientists.

The journal often publishes papers on astrobiology but is highly controversial among scientists as it has been criticised for its peer review process and for publishing papers of a fringe variety.

The scientists collected the samples from the stratosphere, seen above from a weather balloon
The scientists collected the samples from the stratosphere, seen above from a weather balloon

Two years ago it controversially published a paper that claimed to have identified fossils of microbiotic life in a meteorite, sparking a blaze of publicity, but was also met with a great deal of skepticism.

In the past Professor Wainwright and his team claimed to have found fragments of single celled algae called diatoms in samples taken from the stratosphere.

The idea that life can survive high the Earth's atmosphere, however, is not new. Scientists working with Nasa recently discovered bacteria living up to five miles above the Earth's surface.

However, most scientists believe they are likely to have been carried up from Earth rather than having an extraterrestrial origin.

Air currents and winds are known to be capable of carrying dust and bacteria for hundreds of miles and high into the atmosphere.

But some research has shown that microorganisms can survive the intense heat and pressures of entering the Earth's atmosphere from space, raising the prospect that life may have originally been carried here.

Dr Wainwright used balloons similar to this one above to collect samples from the stratsophere
Dr Wainwright used balloons similar to this one above to collect samples from the stratsophere

Some astrobiologists believe life started on Earth after being carried here on a comet or asteroid, while others believe it is more likely that the basic chemical building blocks were carried in this way rather than established life.

However, the idea of directed panspermia has been proposed by some heavyweight scientists.

Professor Francis Crick, one of the team who one a Nobel Prize for discovering the structure of DNA, examined whether it was possible that organisms could have been deliberately transmitted to the Earth by intelligent beings from another planet.

However, he concluded that there was insufficient scientific evidence to support such a claim.

Dr Wainwright, however, insists his findings may help to provide some of that evidence.

However, he added: 'Unless of course we can find details of the civilisation that is supposed to have sent it in this respect it is probably an unprovable theory.'

Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, an astrobiologist at the University of Buckinghamshire and editor of the Journal of Cosmology who also worked with Dr Wainwright on the study, added: 'I think more work needs to be done on this particular structure, for example to study its DNA, if it has any. 

'But already there is clear proof from many directions to confirm that we are constantly bombarded by fragments of comets that carry living microorganisms.'

However, Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, said the idea that such material were being sent out by aliens attempting to seed other planets was a 'leap of the imagination'.

He said: 'This would seem to provide proof that outer space and not just the surface of our planet is teaming with life. 

'I'm sceptical about this and we would need to collect more samples like this to have a better idea of where it originates from.

'It is a leap of the imagination that it came from an ET race trying to seed our planet with their biological constructs.

‘Perhaps there are luminous or ‘invisible’ jelly-fish like creatures that inhabit our skies, or microorganisms flooding our planet, I’m not convinced, but they are fascinating ideas that make a change from stories of starships loaded with aliens.’

The Crop Circle Mystery: A Closer Look

Crop circles — strange patterns that appear mysteriously overnight in farmers' fields—provoke puzzlement, delight and intrigue among the press and public alike. The circles are mostly found in the United Kingdom, but have spread to dozens of countries around the world in past decades. The mystery has inspired countless books, blogs, fan groups, researchers (dubbed "cereologists") and even Hollywood films. 

Despite having been studied for decades, the question remains: Who — or what — is making them? 

Early crop circles

Many people believe that crop circles have been reported for centuries, a claim repeated in many books and websites devoted to the mystery. Their primary piece of evidence is a woodcut from 1678 that appears to show a field of oat stalks laid out in a circle. Some take this to be a first-hand eyewitness account of a crop circle, but a little historical investigation shows otherwise. 

A woodcut pamphlet that some claim represents an early crop circle.

The woodcut actually illustrates what in folklore is called a "mowing devil" legend, in which an English farmer told a worker with whom he was feuding that he "would rather pay the Devil himself" to cut his oat field than pay the fee demanded. The source of the harvesting is not unknown or mysterious; it is indeed Satan himself, who — complete with signature horns and a tail — can be seen in the woodcut holding a scythe. 

Some claim that the first crop circles (though they were not called that at the time) appeared near the small town of Tully, Australia. In 1966, a farmer said he saw a flying saucer rise up from a swampy area and fly away; when he went to investigate he saw a roughly circular area of debris and apparently flattened reeds and grass, which he assumed had been made by the alien spacecraft (but which police investigators said was likely caused by a natural phenomena such as a dust devil or waterspout). Referred in the press as "flying saucer nests," this story is more a UFO report than a crop circle report. 

As in the 1678 mowing devil legend, the case for it being linked to crop circles is especially weak when we consider that the impression or formation was not made in a crop of any kind but instead in ordinary grass. A round impression in a lawn or grassy area is not necessarily mysterious (as anyone with a kiddie pool in the back yard knows). Indeed, mysterious circles have appeared in grass throughout the world that are sometimes attributed to fairies but instead caused by disease. 

Modern crop circles

In fact, the first real crop circles didn't appear until the 1970s, when simple circles began appearing in the English countryside. The number and complexity of the circles increased dramatically, reaching a peak in the 1980s and 1990s when increasingly elaborate circles were produced, including those illustrating complex mathematical equations. 

In July 1996, one of the world's most complex and spectacular crop circles appeared in England, across a highway from the mysterious and world-famous Stonehenge monument in the Wiltshire countryside. It was astonishing fractal pattern called a Julia Set, and while some simple or rough circles might be explained away as the result of a strange weather phenomenon, this one unmistakably demonstrated intelligence. The only question was whether that intelligence was terrestrial or extra-terrestrial. 

Making the design all the more mysterious, it was claimed that the circle appeared in less than an hour and during the daytime — which, if true, would be virtually impossible for hoaxers to accomplish. The circle became one of the most famous and important crop circles in history. 

It was later revealed that the circle had in fact been made in about three hours (by three hoaxers) very early that morning. It simply hadn't been noticed until the following afternoon when spotted from an airplane overhead. 

People inspect crop circles within a golden wheat field in Switzerland. The photo was taken on July 29, 2007.

Theories & explanations

Unlike other mysterious phenomenon such as psychic powersghosts, or Bigfoot, there is no doubt that crop circles are "real." The evidence that they exist is clear and overwhelming. The real question is instead what creates them — and there are ways to investigate that question.

We can look at both internal and external evidence to evaluate crop circles. Internal information includes the content and meaning of the designs (is there anything that indicates that any information contained in the "messages" is of extraterrestrial origin?), and external information, including the physical construction of the crop designs themselves (is there anything that indicates that the designs were created by anything other than humans?)

Crop circle enthusiasts have come up with many theories about what create the patterns, ranging from the plausible to the absurd. One explanation in vogue in the early 1980s was that the mysterious circle patterns were accidentally produced by the especially vigorous sexual activity of horny hedgehogs. Some people have suggested that the circles are somehow created by localized and precise wind patterns, or by scientifically undetectable Earth energy fields and meridians called ley lines

Others, such as molecular biologist Horace Drew, suggest that the answer lies instead in time travel or alien life. He theorizes that the patterns could be made by human time travelers from the distant future to help them navigate our planet. Drew, working on the assumption that the designs are intended as messages, believes he has decoded crop circle symbols and that they contain messages such as "Believe," "There is good out there," "Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises," and "We oppose deception" (all, presumably, in English).

However, these odd, pseudo-biblical messages undermine the credibility of the crop circles, or at least the meaning read into them. Of all the information that an extraterrestrial intelligence might choose to convey to humanity — ranging from how to contact them to engineering secrets of faster-than-light travel — these aliens chose to impart intentionally cryptic messages about false gifts, broken promises, and hope for mankind (along with what seems to be a reference to a popular "The X-Files" slogan). 

Many who favor an extraterrestrial explanation claim that aliens physically make the patterns themselves from spaceships; others suggest that they do it using invisible energy beams from space, saving them the trip down here. Still others believe that it is human, not extraterrestrial, thought and intelligence that is behind the patterns — not in the form of hoaxers but some sort of global psychic power that manifests itself in wheat and other crops. 

Another triskelion crop circle. The symbol can be used to represent cycles, progress or competition.

While there are countless theories, the only known, proven cause of crop circles is humans. Their origin remained a mystery until September 1991, when two men confessed that they had created the patterns for decades as a prank to make people think UFOs had landed (they had been inspired by the 1966 Tully UFO report). They never claimed to have made all the circles — many were copycat pranks done by others — but their hoax launched the crop circle phenomena. 

Most crop circle researchers admit that the vast majority of crop circles are created by hoaxers. But, they claim, there's a remaining tiny percentage that they can't explain. The real problem is that (despite unproven claims by a few researchers that stalks found inside "real" crop circles show unusual characteristics), there is no reliable scientific way to distinguish "real" crop circles from man-made ones. 

Crop circle features

While there are always a few exceptions, virtually all crop circles share a set of common characteristics. 

Circles. Crop circles, as the name implies, almost always involve circles — rarely triangles, rectangles, or squares, though some designs contain straight or curved lines. Perhaps not coincidentally, a circle is the easiest pattern for hoaxers to create. 

This design of three flying birds was created on Aug. 3, 2003, in the county of Wiltshire in southern England. The birds, which resemble swallows, have ever-diminishing circles trailing behind their wing tips.

Nocturnal creation. Crop circles are formed overnight, often sighted by farmers or passersby the next morning. Though there seems no logical reason for extraterrestrials or earth energies to only create patterns at night, it is obviously a great advantage for hoaxers to create the designs under the cover of darkness; full moon nights are especially popular. 

Camera shyness. Crop circles have never been recorded being made (except, of course, for those created by hoaxers). This is a very suspicious trait; after all, if mysterious earthly forces or aliens are at work, there's no reason to think that they wouldn't happen when cameras are recording. 

Access to roads. Crop circles usually appear in fields that provide reasonably easy public access, close to roads and highways. They rarely appear in remote, inaccessible areas. Because of this, the patterns are usually noticed within a day or two of their creation by passing motorists. 

There are many theories about what creates crop circles, including aliens, mysterious vortices, time travelers and wind patterns, but they all lack one important element: good evidence. The only known cause of crop circles is humans. Perhaps one day a mysterious, unknown source will be discovered for crop circles, but until the perhaps they are best thought of as collective public art. 

Are aliens draining solar energy from the sun? Experts warn NASA images show huge UFOs circling

Experts are concerned the spacecraft which can be seen in the NASA footage are recharging from the power provided by the sun

A new conspiracy theory from UFO experts is doing the rounds after NASA images seem to confirm their idea.

They believe that alien spacecrafts are gathering close to the surface of the sun, and are sucking solar power away.

The NASA images seem to show a white spot which is joined towards the sun's surface with a 'connected line'.

One YouTuber StreetCap1 asked the question last week: "Is this a massive UFO feeding off sun energy" as he uploaded the video footage.

He said: "The fact that the UFO is a different color and shape to the rest of the 'Connected Line' is what convinced me to upload this.

NASA captures images of monster UFOs circling around the sun(Image: YouTube/Streetcap1)

"I was not a great believer in this Plasma SUN Energy Theory, but this has got me thinking."

While UFO blogger Scott C Waring, who runs the website UFO Sightings Daily added his thoughts on the images too.

He said: "This is definitely a UFO shot out of the sun yesterday.

NASA captures images of monster UFOs circling around the sun(Image: YouTube/Streetcap1)

"It may have been using the sun's energy to fuel itself or to recharge in some way, but it's leaving at high speeds."

He also pointed out that the UFO is a somewhat glowing white, but the sun's plasma is yellow.

He added: "This will imply that the craft is made from a different material that is resistant from the sun's surface."

NASA captures images of monster UFOs circling around the sun(Image: YouTube/Streetcap1)